The Ascension

John Bourgeois, Lead Pastor

Key Takeaways

  • The apostles had wrong expectations about the Kingdom of God, expecting it to be immediate, political, and exclusive.

  • We often make similar errors in our expectations of God's kingdom.

  • Jesus responds to our expectations by shepherding us, spotlighting the Father's goodness, and sending us on mission.

  • The ascension of Jesus is a historical fact with significant theological implications.

  • Into our paralysis, God promises us the power of the Holy Spirit and the return of Jesus.

Study Questions

  • Reflect on a time when you had wrong expectations about God or His work in your life. How did God respond to those expectations?

  • The sermon mentions three common errors in our expectations: immediacy, political power, and exclusivity. Which of these do you struggle with most in your spiritual life?

  • How does Jesus' response to the apostles' question (Acts 1:7-8) challenge or encourage you in your current circumstances?

  • Discuss the significance of Jesus' ascension. Why do you think it was important for the disciples to witness this event?

  • Reflect on the statement: "The answer God gives you in prayer is the answer you would want if you knew the whole story." How does this perspective challenge or comfort you in your prayer life? 

  • The sermon talks about feeling paralyzed in our spiritual lives. Have you ever felt this way? How does the promise of the Spirit’s power and Jesus’ return address this feeling?

5-Day Devotional

This Week’s Liturgy & Playlist

Confession of Sin

Almighty and merciful Father, we confess that we have wandered from Your ways. Lord Jesus Christ, we have sought our own plans and focused on earthly concerns, neglecting the mission You have given us to be Your witnesses. Holy Spirit, we have followed selfish desires, failing to rely on Your power and guidance. Forgive us, Triune God, and restore us, that we may live for Your glory and proclaim Your Gospel faithfully. Amen.


For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38


In The Beginning