West End Kids

Discover the Sunday School offerings for your children at West End.

Sunday Childcare and Teaching

Safe, nurturing, and fun place for kids to learn about Jesus.

  • A father and mother holding their young child outside west end.



    In West End’s nursery, we plant seeds of Jesus’ love by teaching your little one Bible stories and how to pray, while also providing a fun craft or activity so your child’s earliest memories of church are happy ones.

    Available at 9 & 10:30 a.m. services

  • Sandy, a volunteer teacher, answers a kindergartners question during Sunday School



    Every Sunday, children age 3-to-kindergarten sing and do activities to learn of Jesus’ love. Gifted storytellers also share Bible lessons through Transformation Station, West End’s own children’s theatre.

    Available at 9 & 10:30 a.m. services

  • First graders standing in line for a relay game to burn off a little energy before they sit down for their Bible lesson


    GRADES 1 - 6

    Children will learn how the whole Bible points to Jesus and their need for a relationship with him. They’ll see what it means to participate in a church community and, when ready, can make a profession of faith in a Communicants class.

    Available for 10:30 service only


It is our joy to nurture the youngest members of our families. We work hard to help your child grow in Christ in a safe, fun, and encouraging environment.

Every week we put together gospel-centered teachings and stimulating activities for your kids, from birth - 6th grade. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Mary BERNDT, Director, west end kids

✉ mary.berndt@westendcc.org
Mary Berndt smiling outside of West End


  • When you arrive on Sunday morning, someone will be waiting for you at the welcome desk inside the front doors. They’ll lead you through the check-in process.

  • Safety: On Sundays, the children’s ministry has a dedicated and trained security officer. All volunteers are personally vetted and background checked. We follow strict security protocols and our physical space is designed by security experts.

    Allergies: You can let us know about any specific allergies at your first check-in. West End Children’s is a nut-free zone. The kids are provided Goldfish and water for a snack!

  • Children of West End members can be baptized. You can schedule a baptism here. More on membership found here.

“We volunteer with West End Kids because of the real relationships we develop with these children. We get to plant seeds as a part of their faith journey, helping them to see and experience Jesus as a real person who loves and desires a relationship with them.”

⏵ Alan and Carrie Binkley