Celebrate Recovery

Find freedom in community.

What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program for anyone struggling with hurts, hang-ups, and habits of any kind. This is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.

Join us every Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center for the Large Group meeting. This is a time of worship, teaching, testimony, and celebration. We encourage you to stay for Open Share Groups immediately following.

    • General Recovery

    • Chemical Recovery

    • Oppressive Relationships Recovery

    • General Recovery

    • Chemical Recovery

    • Pornography & Sex Addiction Recovery

Who is Celebrate Recovery For?

Celebrate Recovery is for anyone struggling with life. If you have ever been hurt emotionally or physically, if you have ever had a hang-up in life, or if you’re struggling with an addictive habit, then this ministry is for you.

  • A HURT is an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or to a disturbing situation.

    Examples include:

    • Abandonment

    • Abuse (Physical, sexual, emotional)

    • Adultery

    • Codependency

    • Death of a Loved One

    • Divorce

    • Grief

    • Family Dysfunction

    • Loss of Relationship

    • Rejection

  • A HANG-UP is a negative mental attitude that is used to cope with adversity.

    Examples include:

    • Anger/Rage

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • Fear

    • Guilt

    • Insecurity

    • Judgement of Others

    • People Pleasing

    • Perfectionism

    • Sadness

    • Shame

    • Unforgiveness

  • A HABIT is an addiction to someone or something.

    Examples include:

    • Alcohol

    • Drugs

    • Food

    • Gambling

    • Sex

    • Shopping

    • Smoking

    • Pornography

    • Workaholism

Dinner is served weekly at 5:45 p.m. and childcare is provided during the program.

What to Expect

We know it can be difficult to step into a new environment, so here's a few things to know before you come:

  • Anonymity is a requirement of Celebrate Recovery. Who and what is here stays here.

  • This is a safe place to NOT be ok. You won't find judgment here.

  • We are laid back and casual. We believe in fun and you will sense this across our ministry.

  • Come as you are! We aren't here to impress anyone or to wear a mask, but instead, you'll find people who are open about their own struggles.

Our Thursday Night Schedule:

5:45-6:15p | Dinner | $5/person | $10 family max

6:30-7:30p | Large Group in WORSHIP CENTER

7:40-8:30P | Small GrouPS | BY gender/issue

8:30-9:00p | coffee, dessert, & fellowship


A group for everyone

⏵ Open Share Groups

Both men and women have the weekly opportunity to be a part of an open share group. We want you to have a safe place to share with others who understand your struggle, so these groups are issue and gender specific. 


Stepping into a new environment can be overwhelming, so we have a group specifically designed to give you the details about who we are and what we do. This group meets in the Green Room (in the lobby) after large group. Our goal is for you to know that this is a safe place and that it’s ok to not be ok!

As we are healed, our scars can become testimonies.

Even our deepest wounds are not wasted. Through the redemptive power of Christ-centered recovery, we serve others from our own experiences of the grace of God. When Jesus redeems our stories, he turns struggles into lifelines for those still in the shadows.


  • One of the biggest misconceptions about Celebrate Recovery is that it is only for people who struggle with drug or alcohol addiction. That could not be further from the truth. In fact, out of all of the people who attend Celebrate Recovery around the world, ⅔ of them come for an issue other than drugs or alcohol. Some of the reasons people attend CR are: codependency, anger issues, sexual addiction, adult child of family dysfunction, eating disorders, control issues, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, sexual, physical, emotional or mental abuse, and that’s just to name a few. We truly believe that everyone can benefit from Celebrate Recovery! If there’s any issue in your life that is holding you back or causing you pain, Celebrate Recovery is a fit for you!

  • Many people find the process of starting recovery scary because they aren’t sure how to begin or what to expect. The easiest way to get started, is to get started! You don’t need to sign up, register ahead of time, or even let anyone know you’re coming. You are always welcome.

  • There is no cost to attend. You may also use the free on-site childcare offered every Thursday night, except on holidays.

    The only cost is if you choose to enjoy dinner before the large group programming begins. Dinner is $5 per person with a $10 family max and is served between 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. weekly.

  • At Celebrate Recovery, we are serious about confidentiality. Who is here and what is shared stays here. We do not record attendance, take photos or videos, or share information with other church members, family, coworkers, church staff, etc. Celebrate Recovery is a safe space for church members and non-church members alike.

Here to help.

As Christ’s body, it is our joyful duty to support each other in difficult times, and we have five ministries at West End to do this. Whether looking for support or a place to serve your church family, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

⏵ J Hager, Care Pastor

✉ J.Hager@westendcc.org