• People laughing at Easter service

    Palm Sunday

    Join us as we begin Holy Week with celebrating Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem! Worship with us as we remember that he is the King who came to save.

    Day: Sun, April 13

    Time: 9 & 10:30 a.m.

    Where: Worship Center

    Kids: Kid’s Ministry as usual

  • Scotty Smith leading a Sunday Morning Bible Study in the Hanger Building

    Weekday Worship

    Set aside time during the week to reflect on Christ’s journey to the cross. Join us for a short noon worship service each day as we pray, read Scripture, and prepare our hearts for his sacrifice.

    Day: Mon/Tue/Wed, April 14-16

    Time: Noon

    Where: Worship Center

    Kids: No childcare

  • Maundy Thursday

    On this night, Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples and humbly washed their feet, calling them to love and serve one another. Gather with us for a meaningful evening of worship and dinner together.

    Day: Thurs, April 17

    Time: 5:30 service | 6:30 dinner

    Where: Worship Center

    Kids: No childcare

  • People laugh while entering West End for Good Friday Service

    Good Friday

    As darkness covered the land and the temple curtain was torn in two, Christ bore the weight of our sin on the cross. Join us for a solemn service of Scripture, song, and prayer as we remember his suffering, his sacrifice, and the depth of his love for us.

    Day: Fri, April 18

    Time: 5:30 p.m.

    Where: Worship Center

    Kids: No childcare

  • Worship Leader, Brett Taylor, leading Blue Christmas service

    Holy Saturday

    On this day of waiting, we remember the silence of the tomb and the hope of what is to come. Our Holy Saturday service begins in darkness and ends in light, symbolizing Christ’s victory over death. Come prepare your heart for the joy of the resurrection.

    Day: Sat, April 19

    Time: 5:30 p.m.

    Where: Worship Center

    Kids: No childcare

  • Easter Services

    He is risen! Rejoice in the victory of Christ over sin and death. Invite a friend and join us for our joyful worship service offerings. Sunrise service is outdoors and the only service in which we will take communion.

    Day: Sun, April 20

    Time: 6, 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.

    Where: Worship Center

    Kids: 0-2 Nursery only at 8 a.m.

Prepare for the journey


This Lent we are committed to joining together as a church and praying for our friends and neighbors. You can submit a confidential prayer request for our Care Team or share a request for our weekly newsletter, allowing the congregation to pray alongside you.


Journey to the Cross is a 40-day devotional by Will Walker and Kendal Haug that we’re offering again this Lent. If you picked up a copy last year, we invite you to read along with us again. If you’re looking for a way to draw closer to Jesus this season, grab a book at the Info Desk on Sunday. A $5 donation is appreciated, but not required.


As we reflect on Christ’s sacrifice, we also have the opportunity to serve others in his name. Whether through volunteering, caring for those in need, or joining a ministry team, we invite you to step into meaningful service this season. Explore ways to serve and be the hands and feet of Christ in our church, city, and beyond.

What to Expect

Welcome Desk & Visitors

If you have any questions, you can get answers at the Welcome Desk immediately inside the front doors. There is also an Info Desk in the hall outside the Worship Center where first-time visitors can pick up a gift and say hello.


West End has both a police officer and a security officer monitoring the campus at all times during services and events.

When to Arrive

Services start on time, with a preparatory song to ready our hearts for worship. While it’s common to arrive ten minutes early to park, greet friends, and get comfortable, you’re always welcome.

A car icon

Service Times

All services last one hour and include singing, teaching, prayers, and scripture. Communion is offered on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and during the Easter Sunrise service.


You’ll see all different types of dress at West End on Sundays and during Holy Week. Come as you are.

a nicely folded dress shirt icon


Holy Week services are for the whole family! Kids Ministry will be offered Palm Sunday and Nursery (0-2 years) at the 8.am. Easter Sunday service only.

Learn More about West End

Jenna and Leah, Youth Staff, laugh as they lead a game with students


Take a deeper look at what is offered at West End:

Students from the Youth play spikeball outside after a Sunday Worship service


View West End’s upcoming events all in one place. It’d be a pleasure to see you there.

Pastor John Bourgeois holds up the communion cup

Worship Service

Get a sense of what West End’s worship services are like. You can familiarize yourself by watching recent services online.