Key Takeaways

  • The book of Acts is the origin story of the Church, showing how Jesus continues His ministry through His people.

  • Luke wrote Acts to give us certainty in the truthfulness of the Gospel and confidence in God's mission.

  • Jesus equips and empowers His followers for mission through His Word and Spirit.

Study Questions

  • Luke emphasizes the historical reliability of his account. Why is this important for our faith? How does it impact your view of Scripture?

  • The sermon mentions that to know what we must do, we need to know what story we're a part of. What story do you think your life is currently telling? How does being part of God's story change your perspective?

  • How does understanding Acts as a continuation of Jesus' ministry (now from heaven) affect your view of the Church's mission?

  • Discuss the five ways Jesus equipped His apostles (chose, appeared, trained, commissioned, & baptized). How do these apply to us as followers of Christ today?

  • Luke's careful investigation gives us certainty about the Gospel. How can we approach doubts or questions about our faith in a similar, investigative manner?

5-Day Devotional

This Week’s Liturgy & Playlist

Confession of Sin

Heavenly Father, You have given us the promise of Your Spirit and called us to bear witness to the risen Christ, but we confess that we are slow to trust and quick to doubt. We have sought power in earthly things and neglected the kingdom You are building. We grow weary in waiting for Your timing and distracted from Your mission. Forgive us, Lord, and fill us anew with Your Spirit, that we may live as faithful witnesses to Jesus Christ. Amen.


For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


The Ascension